Bead Types

Rondelle Beads

A bead that is rondelle shaped is round with flattened or faceted ends. These beads are widely used between two precious beads. These beads are sparkling and really attractive to eyes.

Delica (Miyuki) Beads

Japanese Seed Beads: The Japanese are known for producing the finest quality seed beads because they are the most uniform. There are three major factories in Japan that produce seed beads: Miyuki, Toho and Matsuno. Miyuki & Toho beads are a bit more rounded, with large holes. Matsuno beads tend to be taller (hole to hole) than they are around which makes them look a bit cylindrical.(

Rocaille/Round Beads/Seed Beads

Seed beads or rocailles are uniformly shaped, spheroidal beads ranging in size from under a millimeter to several millimeters. Seed bead is also a generic term for any small bead. Seed beads are very short pieces of chopped glass cane that are heated until they form smooth shapes, usually rounded in shape, seed beads are most commonly used for loom and off-loom bead weaving.

Bugle Beads

Bugle Beads are tubular glass beads made in the same production manner as seed beads, however they are cut glass rods that have been tumbled for smooth edges. These Bugle Beads come in short and long lengths, sizes #1-#5 and 15mm-35mm.

Pearl Beads

Natural pearls can be saltwater or freshwater cultured pearls which are made into beads. Natural pearls are usually pink, peach or mauve in color, whilst white pearls are usually an off white or creamy color. Glass pearls are also available which imitate the appearance of pearls whilst maintaining consistency in size, color, shape and finish.( )

Wooden Beads

Gemstone Beads

Gemstone beads, also called semi-precious beads can include natural gemstone, enhanced gemstone or man-made reconstructed materials. Available in various shapes and sizes. Most common being the round shape with size 4mm, 6mm, 8mm, 10mm and 12mm. There are different shapes to choose from including just mentioned smooth round, chips and nuggets of semi-precious stones (e.g. amethyst, jade, agate) that are irregular in shape. ( )